Saturday 13 February 2010

Have You Tried To Make Money On The Internet And Failed?

A couple of years ago I decided to make my fortune on the internet, it seemed quite easy, for there were plenty of making money on the internet and GET RICH QUICK opportunities advertised, but 90% of them were scams. You pay your money, work like crazy and don't make a bean!!!!

Is It Possible To Make Money On The Internet

Eventially I stumbled on something that was marginally successful, and learn't how to get most of my advertising paid for. For this opportunity I had to have an autoresponder, and anyone that followed me into this opportunity would sign up under me in the autoresponder, and I would earn a commission. However I only got a couple of downline members and the commission proved to be regular but very small.

Then I Found Out About OceanSwell's Team Atlantis

It is very difficult to make money on the internet when going it alone, so I thought I would give this OceanSwell's Team Atlantis a try.

Now What Is OceanSwell's Team Atlantis?

It is literally a team working for each other, and how it works is when you join TrafficWave you go into a list, and when you reach the top of the list you go in to a rotator,when you are in the rotator the rest of the team (and you of course) advertise to get YOU 5 downline members at TrafficWave. The commissions at TrafficWave can be very high, you can see how they are worked out here.


When your 5 signups go in the rotator they become part of your downline and you receive commissions on them too.

Now I joined Team Atlantis on 5th January 2010, I reached the rotator on 8th February, and by 11th February I had my 5 signups, so in the space of 37 days I have more than trebled my initial outlay.

Now you may already have a TrafficWave account, but as I stated before so did I, I just signed up with a new account with a different email address and User ID.

Now that I have finally found a way of being successful, I want to help others to do the same